Based on extensive research and consultation, we will be re-opening on the 30th of August with the Half Day model proposed by ADEK: Face-to-face learning every day for all students, 50% of students in the morning (3 hours in school), 50% of students in the afternoon (3 hours in school). Remote Learning for the remaining 50% (3 hours at home). We are confident this is best suited in ensuring the health and safety of our whole community.
We have many reasons for this recommendation and these include:
- Consistency and continuity in curriculum delivery and children’s routine – daily face-to-face contact with teachers and friends is essential.
- With daily face-to-face contact our counsellors, inclusion and pastoral teams can monitor and support student welfare and mental health more effectively.
- All students will attend school the same number of days during term 1 – no loss to Group A or B due to national or religious holidays.
- All students can participate in whole school events, such as National Day.
- Lunch (which is a high-risk activity for transmission) will be eaten safely at home.
- Movement needs to be restricted to 1 or two classrooms – students will manage 3 hours better than 6 hours in the same rooms.
- Masks will most likely be compulsory – students will manage 3 hours better than 6 hours wearing a mask.
We do not intend on delivering education in this format all year. Our belief is that restrictions will ease during the course of term 1 as risk decreases, and we hope to return to 100% full operation by January.
We look forward to welcoming you to Repton.
Stay safe and we will see you soon.